The King’s Man (2021) - In the midst of World War I, the secret Kingsman agency fights to protect Britain from a sinister international cabal.

Posted by Nicholas Masi on

"The King’s Man suffers a little from the absence of the charismatic Taron Egerton, who played the lead character so confidently in the first two movies. Dickinson, in a sense the Egerton equivalent here as a young chap getting his first taste of the secret world, is bland by comparison. But Fiennes goes a long way toward making up for that, giving Lord Oxford genuine depth as a man who’s assured and vulnerable, both part of the English Establishment and somewhat radical in his views; he also has good screen chemistry with Gemma Arterton, playing a servant in his household with whom he seems to have something more heartfelt than the usual master-servant relationship." From  Click Here For More.